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Small Brewery Sunday is a Day for Visiting Local Independent Craft Breweries

Small Brewery Sunday occurs on November 26th, 2023.

Interesting Tools

Shacketts Brewing Company in Bristol, NH is a small brewery you should visit
Shackett's Brewing in Bristol, NH

Small Brewery Sunday is an event that the Brewers Association advertises each year in late in the third quarter to encourage people - aka beer lovers - to visit their local taprooms and brewpubs and help support the American craft beer industry. Last year's event, if we can call it that, more of a Independent Craft Beer holiday, was a bit hampered by the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Things should be operating a bit more smoothly this year as many local breweries have resumed on-site operations, as opposed to only offering curbside pickup (in many situations). Advocating for small business growth is what the Brewers Association does best for the craft brewing population. So get out there at the start of the Holiday Season and take home a growler or two from your local craft brewery. Be sure to look for the craft brewer seal, as some microbreweries have sold out to the corporate/enterprise Big Bev giants over the last few years.

When is Small Brewery Sunday?

Small Brewery Sunday falls on November 26th, 2023. It's good timing, as it's on the other half of the year from American Craft Beer Week which occurs in mid-May. For those reading, American Craft Beer Week is May 8-16th next year (2023).

All in all, this is the craft brewing industry trying to get in on the excitement (and sales $$) of the Black Friday > Cyber Monday run that occurs around Thanksgiving. In our opinion, one would think that having Small Brewery Sunday fall on the Sunday before Thanksgiving would be a better idea, as people are then stocked up with delicious ales & lagers for their annual plate of Turkey.

This is straight from the Brewers Association press release, “Nothing goes better with a holiday meal than independent craft beer,” said Ann Obenchain, marketing director, Brewers Association. “Whether you are able to safely visit a brewery, taproom, or brewpub, or opt for curbside pickup or at-home delivery, one of the best ways to support your local economy and brewery during the holiday season is by giving the gift of craft beer and serving craft beer at the dinner table.”

Also, SBS really piggybacks on Small Business Saturday (November 27th). So there's that to consider.

Past Small Brewery Sundays?

  • November 27th, 2022
  • November 28th, 2021
  • November 29th, 2020

Where should we go on Small Brewery Sunday?

You have a few choices at hand. Our suggestions are as follows:

  • Thirsty? Visit a local microbrewery (or nanobrewery) to sit down and enjoy a brew.
  • Hungry? Visit a brewpub for some pub grub that pairs well with your beer
  • Short on time? Grab a 4 pack of tallboys or a growler to go ... though hopefully the aluminum can shortage has tapered down a bit.

You can even buy some gift cards for a future visit. That's another way to show support. Margins are always slim in the craft beer game, so make sure you do your part.

Here's what Bob Pease, President of the Brewers Association had to say to the Chicago Sun Times, "Beer lovers shouldn’t take for granted the nation’s brewing abundance, Pease adds. Currently, more than two-thirds of Americans live within 10 miles of a brewery, the association estimates."

Small Brewery Sunday on Social Media?

Use hashtags like #seektheseal

Small Brewery Sunday Video