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Saturday Morning Lucky Charms Beer Review

Oooh, those kids are after me Lucky Charms beers. Thanks to my red balloon, I've made a clean getaway. Seriously though, this IPA is THE Breakfast of Champions.

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Smartmouth Brewing Company Saturday Morning Lucky Charms Beer
Smartmouth Brewing Company Saturday Morning Lucky Charms Beer | Photo Credit to Smartmouth Brewing Company

Smartmouth Brewing Company, of Norfolk and Virginia Beach, brews the (un)official craft beer of Saturday Morning Cartoons, a lucky charms-themed IPA that blends toasted marshmallows with galaxy and calypso hops. As for being a new IPA, we've heard of Triple IPAs, Double New England IPAs, heck, even New Hampshire IPAs, but never a Marshmallow IPA.

Nostagically Delicious isn't kidding.

A 6.6% abv packs the right punch. And, the beer can artwork is quite the throwback.

Launching the new beer

Smartmouth Brewery planned a big launch for the beer last year (2019) at their Norfolk HQ. Well-timed too, as they planned it for just before St. Pattie's Day in early March. They brought in a local food truck, hosted live music and a round of bar trivia, held a cosplay costume contest (hopefully beer costumes), and, in an ode to the cereal's 80s/90s heyday, the VA brewery ran a Super Smash Bros tournament, AND, rocked a pop up comic book stand, put on by Norfolk's Local Heroes.

One interesting note is that the beer launched as "Magically Ridiculous" in 2019. I feel like "Nostalgically Delicious", the beer's 2020 moniker, is a bit more apropos. Here Smartmouth is on their social media touting this most excellent beer:

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•SOLD OUT• Thank you everyone! 🙏 - We’ll give you the bad news first... - After complications with Coronavirus, we’ve had to reroute an export order of Saturday Morning IPA cans back to our Norfolk Headquarters.😕 - The good news? - We like to share (and IPAs are best enjoyed fresh ) so we’re kicking these cans to the curbside for pickup and delivery TODAY!🥳 - Presales go live on our online store (link in bio) at 12:00pm - first come first serve! Curbside pickup or delivery in Norfolk only. Two 4-pack limit per person. While supplies last! . . . #wordofmouth #sharingiscaring #luckoftheipa #curbside #beerme #nostalgicallyridiculous #ipa #goodnews #saturdaymorningipa #757craftbeer #marshmallowipa #smartbeerstupidgood #smartmouthbrewing #smartmouthbrewery .

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Where is Smartmouth Brewing Co.'s Lucky Charms Beer available?

The limited time offering can be purchased in-house on draft in their Norfolk and Virginia Beach tasting rooms. You can also pick it up at Virginia-area bottle shops and, if beer lovers are lucky, at the local grocery store as well. But, that's only when it's in stock. Last year, and this as well, it sold out rather quickly.

What does the Saturday Morning Marshmallow IPA taste like?

Presumably, a lot like you'd expect from a beer based on sugary cereal marshmallows. Imagine dumping pounds of dehydrated marshmallow bits into the mash - hundreds, if not thousands of green clovers, purple horseshoes, and blue moons. That's going to offer a bit more than a slight cereal taste.

However, rumor has it that the Smartmouth Beer has more of a fruity taste than a sugary, marshmallow-y taste. Sounds like the actual flavor profile is more Trix Rabbit than Lucky Charms Leprechaun. If that's the case, it sounds like it's a bit more like Night Shift's How 'R Ya Now, a New England IPA that's made for chorin' and tossing the frisbee with the puppers.

Other breakfast cereal craft beers

Funny enough, 1766 Brewing Company brews their own Lucky Charms cereal beer. It's also named Lucky Charms IPA, just without the "Marshmallow" attached to the IPA style. I can only imagine it is as delish as the one from the Virginia Brewery.

Not exactly sure which was the first brewery to turn everyone's favorite cereal into a new beer, but rest assured, it is our goal to sample them both, preferably at the same time. You know, maybe sit in front of the tv for cartoons, or, bust out the hungry hungry hippos and the rest of our 80s board games as we crush a few 16-ounce cans of liquid lucky charms. However, in these COVID-19/Coronavirus times, that will be a bit hard to get done.

As for other breakfast cereal beers, the Cap'n gets his due. Dude makes it into several beers.

  • Brassneck Cereal Killa (Parallel 49) - Made with good ol' Cap'n Crunch.
  • Cap'n Crunch Porter (Ironfire Brewing Company) - Made with good ol' Cap'n Crunch.
  • Cerealiously (Black Bottle Brewing) - Made with good ol' Peanut Butter Crunch.
  • Puff Puff Shiv (Prison City Brewing) - Made with good ol' Coco Puffs.
  • Saturday Morning (Somerville Brewing Company) - Made with good ol' Cap'n Crunch Berries
  • Unicorn Farts (DuClaw Brewing) - Made with good ol' Fruity Pebbles. Preferably not made with real farts or unicorns.
  • You Cereal?! (Brew Link Brewing) - Made with, of course, Lucky Charms
ABV 6.6