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What is a Craft Beer Festival?

Beer fests are an excellent opportunity to try new and experimental beers that craft brewers have been working on over the year prior.

Interesting Tools

The Annual Vermont Brewers Festival in Downtown Burlington, VT
Waterfront Park is a first-rate spot for casual beer drinking

We here at Findmeabrewery are big fans of brew fests. We've attended our fair share over the years, with the most being the downtown Burlington summer beer fest in the green ol' state of Vermont. Those beerfests showcased a lot of the big names you know in craft beer long before you had heard of them, including Lawson's Finest Liquids and The Alchemist.

So, we're going to try and catalog a lot of the beer festivals for you so that you can know where to find one in your home state. Or you can travel. That would be cool too.

Most festivals display their roster of attending brewers, so give them a once over to see if your favorite brewery is attending. And, a lot hand out cool beer swag, so even more incentive to attend.